Finding the Courage to Confront our Truth


Having the courage to be Truthful to Ourselves
It takes a lot of courage to be honest with ourselves. We live in a paradigm in which things need to be admirable, acceptable and perfect, hence denying the true essence of our raw emotions. To allow yourself to be completely who you are, just as you are; creates space for you to be extremely powerful.

The paradigm of truth will take you from the mental processes of what society thinks is correct to the heart space of what is actually there and present.

That's where the real work comes in; to actually sit with the true and raw emotions in our heart.   The deconstruction of these false perceptions and expectations can be painful for many, since we have created so many inauthentic perceptions of what we should be. We do this to cope with the uncomfortable, sad, embarrassing, and shameful memories that we can't dare to be with. To enter the space of being authentic with our true and raw emotions, we have to give up control and force. We have to ground ourselves and be willing to face our deepest fears in the safest way possible.

Checking out with vices might seem like a great coping mechanism, but it still denies what needs to be acknowledged. Addictive patterns of sex, drugs, alcohol, food, and media may often provide as a distraction from seeing what is actually there in our emotional, physical and mental space.

There are ways to be with your truth without suppressing these emotions. The easiest way to be courageous with your truth, is to find someone you feel safe with. Vent; communicate and pull out what's really there. Communicate the true pain that is there. When you do that, you are peeling out layers and layers of false ego that has been constraining you and clogging your spirit. 

Another way to be with your truth, is to meditate. Allow yourself to feel and see all the emotions of fear that you have been suppressing. As you close your eyes and focus on your breath, allow all the things you have been resisting come up. The surrender of resistance will give you access to inner power and wisdom.

Whether it is through exercise, venting, or meditation, one must do the work. We cant expect breakthroughs by being positive, we achieve breakthroughs by stepping in to our truth.

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