Kevin Koh


Hello, my name is Kevin Koh and I am a Holistic Trainer based in Los Angeles, Atlanta, and New York City. With an Energy Alignment, I facilitate the space for you to heal emotional, physical, and mental imbalances. In an interactive healing session, you will experience an alignment that allows a harmonic balance between your mind, body and soul. In this space, a sense of ease and calm transforms your experience of life and yourself. 

If you are interested in losing weight, Soul Workouts can help you. Soul Workouts offer training and fitness programs developed to help you lose weight and get stronger by balancing your chakras so you can get aligned with your true POWER.

If you are feeling energetically stuck, clouded or imbalanced, I can help. If you want to lose weight and transform your life, I am here to help. My Energy Readings, Alignments and Training Sessions can help you release stagnant and distracting energy, further opening yourself to be in a state of balance, clarity and physical excellence.




  • Bachelor of Arts - Journalism (2013): Georgia State University