Energy Alignments

How can it help me?


An Energy Alignment, most commonly known as Energy healing, can help those who are in need of relaxation to those who are dealing with heavy emotional trauma. For those dealing with anxiety, depression, mental or physical stress, an Energy Alignment can help one balance themselves and put their energy levels in a state of ease and allowance. Energy healing is a form of healing that works on deep levels of the mind, body and spirit. Clients have stated that they have decreased stress levels as a result of Energy Healing sessions. The process is simple. The client lays down on a massage table and relaxes! Here are some of the modalities used in an Energy Alignment that facilitate the space of a client's self-healing. 


Energy Readings - The Assessment

As you lay on the massage table, the practitioner will put their hands over your chakras (energy vortexes in the body) to access where you are energetically. In this assessment, the rapport is built as the practitioner provides an Energy reading that channels the status of where you are in your life. In this energy reading, the practitioner will discuss the blockages preventing you from experiencing the truth and freedom that you desire. Through muscle testing and chakra reading, the practitioner can determine energy levels within the chakras to fully integrate the session and the balancing.

Techniques - The Session that Pulls, Releases and Restores

Through the touch therapy technique of Reiki; the practitioner activates the self-healing of the patient by gently pushing on pressure points on the body. Similar to Acupuncture, Reiki activates and releases stagnant energy in certain points of the body and mind without any needles. During a session, many energies pass through the meridians and vortex points in the chakra system. Once the energy is balanced a state of wholeness and balance can be achieved.

Another form of Energy Healing: Access Bars®, is a technique that involves a gentle touch of the 32 points on the head. In this process, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that you have stored in any lifetime are gently released, allowing you to receive information and new ways of being that have been blocked by the sub-conscious mind. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process. The undoing of limiting thoughts can create new possibilities for yourself or your life. "Access Bars® has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more. As stated on their official website, "At worst you will feel like you have just had a phenomenal massage. At best your whole life can change into something greater with total ease." - Access Bars Website

Bars - Energy points in the head that hold with Subconscious thought

Bars - Energy points in the head that hold with Subconscious thought

Post-Session Conversation - Getting acclimated to clarity and a new space


So you just completed your first Energy Alignment and you don't know how to feel. You may feel super relaxed, you may see some major breakthroughs, or you may feel like there is more to release. However you feel, IT IS PERFECT. Every client experiences a sense of release after their first session; some subtle and some very intense. The practitioner will help guide you as you experience this energetic shift. Kevin will offer a 15 minute phone session to touch base on your experience so you can be acclimated to the new space that has opened as a result of the alignment.