Embracing the Dark with the Light

Why do we fear the negative? 

'The Negativity' and fear is a great opportunity for us to grow and integrate the lesson of why we came to this earth.

I am writing this article to bring light to a certain aspect of the "Be Positive" movement that is occurring on social media. It is great seeing memes that empower people and make people feel light and inspired. Although, there is something missing in this movement and that is the acknowledgment of fear.

I would first like to acknowledge that I am not making certain things ok; ex: rape, domestic violence, racism, ect. I am writing to generate a space that simply occurs on a being-level, not on a moral/humanity level. However from observation, I do believe that certain people dwell in "negative" spaces because they subconsciously make their negative emotions wrong or bad. 

Fearing the negative, is what perpetuates and increases the vibrational level of negativity. Because What you resist, persists.

Shunning the negative, Shunning the wrong, and Shunning the Dark slows your opportunity to bring something to Light. 

You will experience both positive and negative situations in this process called life. With a positive, there will always be a negative. It is simply the Yin and Yang to all. With Water to Fire, Black to White, Dark to Light, there is always two sides of it ALL. 

There is a wholeness in loving, enjoying, and accepting both, as is. Because in this space, you can create without BEING ATTACHED to whats right and whats wrong. When you remove limitations of making things bad or wrong, you will no longer operate from the ego-space of trying to prove that you are RIGHT or GOOD.

Because our egos seek the validation of being right with something or someone else being wrong. Which is simply the human condition.

When you give up being right and making things wrong, your thoughts and intentions will no longer come from a space of resisting something. Your actions will no longer be catered to resisting what shouldn't be. And you will no longer be distracted and drained by what u deem wrong. 

Staying in the space of 'shunning what's wrong' will increase the volume of chatter in your head.

So thats why sometimes its so hard to be happy, fulfilled or at peace because we have so much mess in the way. And that mess is usually caused from making things so wrong and bad. And thats why freedom, actually comes from a place of giving up being RIGHT. 

With All that being said,

When you tap in to this space of neutrality [ying and yang] u get present to living in the truth of who u truly are. You will actually be awakened to  “whats so” and create from there. You will now have more freedom to be happy and focus on what you truly desire without having so many obstacles and resistance in the way. Here, you free yourself from the attachments of what should be and create from the presence of truth.

And in this space of wholeness, you can manifest your deepest truth and highest destiny.

-Kevin Koh


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