Opening the Space to Heal Yourself Physically

Opening space is important in living the life that you love. I am committed to opening new spaces for myself and others so we can live with freedom and joy. From reading, attending transformational workshops and being guided by mentors, I have learned that balance is the key to opening space.

"Once the body balances itself, the body can heal itself."

In this article, I will talk about how opening space can possibly heal you physically, without medication or surgery.

My integrated Example:

I used to deal with chronic anxiety. As a result, I dealt with eight years of hemorrhoids. When I finally got to the roots of my anxiety, I found out that that the fears were stored memories and fears that I locked in from my past. 

As I tapped in to the metaphysical reason of why I was dealing with hemorrhoids, I finally got that my body was trying to communicate something: a lesson for me to learn and integrate.

[The Root Chakra deals with safety and security. When imbalanced, you are in a constant state of fear and anxiety. The anus, legs and feet are connected to the root chakra].

I confronted these fears with energy healing to release and forgive whatever my ego-mind was doing to recreate my constant anxiety and hemorrhoids. From working on myself to working with other Reiki masters and Energy coaches, I finally arrived in a space where it was safe to let go of the trauma in my past.

As a result, The hemorrhoids disappeared and has not come back ever since. No over-the-counter medication or evasive procedure was done.

A New Space created

As I released this past trauma, I arrived in a space of emptiness and neutrality; I finally felt free and unchained. As a result, my stress levels decreased and the hemorrhoids went away. I became more conscious to the importance of my body and how connected it is to my spirit.

The body is literally the 'physical space' where you can transform and heal yourself on an emotional and mental level.

It is vital to release and create space; by doing so you can access your body, mind, and spirit at a deeper and profound level.

-Kevin Koh

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